Preventive dentistry is the area of dental health that concentrates on preventing the onset or progression of oral diseases such as tooth decay or periodontal disease.

Ideally, preventive dentistry is a cooperative team effort between the patient and the dental clinic staff.

Preventive dentistry begins in the patient’s own home. Regular brushing is the most basic of preventive care techniques. Another important preventive procedure is daily flossing to remove plaque and particles of food between the teeth, making sure the floss also reaches under the gum line. Preventive dentistry involves also the patient’s lifestyle. For example, eating too much sugar or foods that stick to the teeth can lead to cavities. Tobacco use not only discolors the teeth but can also cause gum disease and oral cancer.

An annual dental exam is an essential part of preventive dentistry performed in the dental clinic. It includes examination of the teeth and gums and also periodic x-rays. A professional cleaning of the teeth should be done by a dental hygienist, preferably twice a year. Sometimes patients experience sensitive teeth, which may make it difficult to withstand cleanings or even regular brushing. Yet, a dentist can help recommend treatments and devices that can help with this discomfort.


Preventing Tooth Decay in Children

Perhaps one of the most essential steps in preventing dental problems is to introduce children to their family dentist as soon as their first tooth emerges. Though many people think that children’s teeth will anyways be replaced by permanent teeth, it is important to know that tooth decay in primary teeth can adversely affect the development and health of the permanent teeth. Thus, establishing healthy habits w1hen it comes to dental hygiene is crucial for exceptional dental health later in life. Parents and dentists can become essential partners for better oral health care when it is promoted early in life. By providing essential care in the form of brushing and flossing instructions, unnecessary dental procedures can be saved throughout a child’s life.


The Cycle of Prevention, Treatment, and Maintenance

Like the other parts of the human body, teeth must be maintained throughout the course of a lifetime. They are essential for food consumption, speaking, and cosmetic appearance. Therefore, patients should look after a high quality dental care for themselves and their family.