Removing the black line around the base of your dental crown

Why is there a black line around your crown?

Are you feeling self-conscious about that black line on your front tooth?
The most frequent reason for this aesthetic issue is the presence of a porcelain-fused-to-metal-crown.

A decade ago, before the regular use of all-porcelain crowns, porcelain fused to metal crowns were mainstream. The porcelain overlay matches the color structure of your teeth. In addition, the metal base or substructure provides strength and support.

Black line around the base of your dental crown

So, if a black line shows on your tooth with a ten-year-old crown, there is usually nothing structurally wrong with your crown. The black line is the juncture where the tooth and the metal from the crown meet. The unattractive black line will be visible if the juncture is above the gum line.

How do you get rid of this unsightly issue?

Decades of cosmetic dentistry experience in the heart of Manhattan

Rest assured that Dr. Salim can easily fix this problem. With over three decades of experience in cosmetic dentistry, you will be in safe hands.

Martha Stewart
However, there are other reasons for a black line along the base of your tooth. These causes have nothing to do with the presence or absence of a dental crown. For instance, if you:
  1. Suffer from receding gums due to:
    • aggressive brushing,
    • teeth grinding,
    • periodontal disease,
    • or shifting teeth,
  2. and you had:
    • a traumatic injury,
    • or a root canal,
    • or you suffer from a decaying tooth,
  3. then the natural structure of your tooth will show as a black line along the gum line.

How can you get rid of a black line around your dental crown?

The short answer is to replace the porcelain-fused-to-metal crown with an all-porcelain crown.

The time of using porcelain fused to metal crowns is over. All-porcelain crowns are the standard today, and the materials look like your natural teeth. These mainstream crowns reflect and transmit light like your natural teeth.

The good news?

You will no longer worry about metal causing aesthetic issues while not sacrificing the crown’s strength. The improved aesthetics of an all-porcelain crown is not to the detriment of its robustness.

Getting a younger smile in mid-town Manhattan

Do you want to change your current smile? Do you want to eliminate that ugly black line showing along your gums?

If so, book an appointment today with our cosmetic dentist, Dr. Salim. With more than 30 years of experience in cosmetic and general dentistry, he is skilled in all basic and advanced techniques to rejuvenate your smile.

And remember that the first consultation is free for a new patient.