Children’s Teeth

CHILDREN’S TEETH The first tooth usually appears at about six to eight months of age. The bottom incisors usually erupt first, followed shortly by the upper incisors. Most children will have all 20 of their primary teeth by the time they are three. If babies become...

Sensitive Teeth

SENSITIVE TEETH Sensitive teeth can cause a mild sensation of tingling and discomfort, or sharp, shooting pain. The pain is usually not constant. It occurs when you eat or drink something that is cold or hot, sweet or sour. Pain that is severe or persistent often...

Wisdom Teeth

WISDOM TEETH Impacted wisdom teeth An impacted wisdom tooth occurs when the tooth fails to erupt properly and to break through the surface of the jawbone and gum. As a result, a wisdom tooth can cause significant pain and discomfort because it may grow sideways or...

Dental Sealants

DENTAL SEALANTS Tooth decay is a common problem for children and adults, and is largely preventable through healthy oral hygiene habits including regular brushing and flossing, as well as visiting the dentist for a professional cleaning and examination at least twice...